Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Other Art

Though it's been a big writing year, I kept active as a photographer as well. Here's some stuff I liked from 2008.



Patrick Wohlmut said...

One of the things I like about your photography is the way you capture the texture of your subject, sometimes multiple textures, layered next to and on top of each other. It gives your work a tactility that, for me, other photographs lack. It's very pleasurable and appealing to me.

Steve Patterson said...

Thank you, Patrick. I appreciate that comment more than you know. I learned a lot from Edward Weston's B&W and Ernst Haas's color work, and I've been a big fan of collage and the abstract expressionist painters; so maybe that's where it comes from. When I was starting out, I'd run out of the darkroom all excited with a dripping wet print, and people would be like, uh, Steve, why are you taking pictures of peeled paint or a stack of chairs? Eh. Some still do.