Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh Jesus...

...I love this guy. Seriously. He's going to screw up...they all do. But still....


Harold Phillips said...

You're right, he will certainly screw up (again... more... criticise how ye will). I have to say, though, that when I watched his speech last night on MSNBC I was struck with this strange, un-familiar feeling.

I actually paid attention to what the President said. He seemed to understand what he was saying. He spoke in inspiring tones, and I was in turn inspired.

I'd forgotten what that was like. Wow...

h e r e x a c t l y said...

oh my god. he actually BREATHES.
it's a miracle.

thanks for posting this. and for following politics in the way that you do, mr. playwright. now if all the 'johns' could just wrap their brains around the concept of art as a fundamental part of our world...

all hail and salute,