Falling into the category beyond prima facie absurd, right-wingers have drawn themselves all the way up on two legs and have pronounced the new Eagles album "Long Road Out of Eden" as an attack on America:
Which should have anyone who loves rock'n'roll flat on their backs, laughing hysterically--no, no, let me catch my breath--going, "Well, yeah, they're The Eagles!" They hate you so much they put out a double-album! And from most reviews, they still sound like The Eagles, which means they'll likely be carpet-bombing an FM "classic rock" station near you very shortly.
But no, these folks are objecting to The Eagles writing melodic, moody, country-tinged tunes about global warming as some kind of a Clockwork Orange rape of American sensibilities. So much for peaceful, easy feelings. Don Henley doesn't dig you, America. He hates your SUVs, your way of life. He's against freedom, and he thinks all the troops are baby-killing psychopaths. He wants you, take a deep breath, to feel guilty.
Yeah, dude. Uh-huh. When all indications are that The Eagles are still idling on the corner of Winslow, Arizona, watching the tequila sunrise, and trying to finally check the hell out of the Hotel California. Ah well...one of these nights. I knew Glenn Frey has a little bit of that weird jihad flame in his eyes....
But...Joe Walsh? Plays a mean slide, but, as we all know, he can't find the door and they took away his license so now he can't drive and he spends his day bowling and picking up dog doo (hope that it's hard, woof-woof).
Joe Walsh can't buckle his pants, much less affix a suicide bomber's belt.
So--and really, I never thought I would ever, ever say this--but, fellow desperados, go buy the new Eagles album. You don't have to play it. Just buy the bastard. Besides, the cover art's pretty. Make it a movement. And while you're at it, let's bring back Quaaludes, Panama Red, and decent blow that hasn't been stepped on with baby laxative. Talking about loving our true way of life.
But please. No flare pants.
My God. What if the Bay City Rollers have become Muslim extremists? Now I know I won't be able to sleep tonight.
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10 hours ago
On the floor, laughing, trying desperatly to not pee my pants. Reaching for my wallet and hoping my locally owned music shop (are there even still such places) has it in stock.
The Hawks take on the Eagles... unbelievable.
Nope, you won't find the new Eagles CD at any local record shop or online megastore. Thanks to an exclusivity deal that the band signed, it's only available at "we believe in good old American censorship" Walmart. THAT'S how much the Eagles hate you.
My God...they are terrorists!
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