It's always kind of a kick to pull up my blog's site meter and see how many of you are reading my demented scribbing and where you're from. Of late, I've noticed a lot more folks checking in from outside the United States: England, France, Portugal, China, even the exotic, far-off, mythical kindom of Canada. So I thought I'd offer this post to give readers a chance to say hello, introduce yourself, tell us where you're from, and why on earth you chose to read the blog of a goofy U.S. playwright and terminal political junkie.
So, if you're so moved, give us a shout out. Hello, Finland!
Timothy Egan’s Book Recommendations
Pulitzer Prize winning author Timothy Egan was the third speaker of the
2024–25 Portland Arts & Lectures season on January 16, 2025. Egan shared
his top ...
16 hours ago
Schlip schlap
Schlip and schlap away
Schlip schlap
Schlap away all day
Schlip schlap
You simply can't go wrong
In traditional schlip schlapping song
Finland Finland Finland
The country where I quite want to be
Pony trekking or camping
Or just watching TV
Finland Finland Finland
That's the country for me!
Thank you, Eric Idle. I've never been able to think of Finland the same way since Spamalot. But the Finnish have the last laff, don't they, Althea? Highest standard of living in the world. All the ice notwithstanding, those people are HAPPY.
What was the question again?
Istanbul was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople. Been a long time gone, Constantinople, now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night...
gee, we have such clever friends. I was just gonna ask you to give me a little rant on Nader. I count on you to lead the charge.
Ok... that's THREE people from Portland heard from :)
I read your blog regularly, because I'm a New Yorker that grew up in Salem, Oregon. It's great to hear that the theatre scene is thriving over there.
Plus . . . I just dig your style, man.
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